
17:54 PM - 18 Jul 2024

A reminder that the summer term ends on Friday 19th July 2024. Thank you for your support this year and have a lovely summer break. Our Summer Edition of The Mitre is available to view. I hope you enjoy it https://t.co/edlf4jdLxk— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () July 18, 2024


19:53 PM - 11 Jul 2024

We are so fortunate to have Bishop Rowan Williams as our guest speaker at our Annual Awards Evening. Congratulations to all our students, past and present, who have received a deserved award 🙌🏻 pic.twitter.com/Gbzbvz8eBQ— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () July 11, 2024

07:29 AM - 6 Jul 2024

Don’t forget to pop in to school for our welcome day this am 10-12. Great opportunity for new starters to visit. will be selling coffee & cake, books & plants. will have school uniform available for families, donations are optional 🍰🪴☕️— BOLHS PTFA () July 6, 2024


10:54 AM - 5 Jul 2024

In recent weeks, our students have been learning about democracy and participated in a mock election yesterday. The results are in... (albeit this is a percentage share rather than constituency based model). Thank you and everyone who got involed pic.twitter.com/1k6EdF5MWc— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () July 5, 2024

19:50 PM - 2 Jul 2024

Our evening for new Year 7 parents/carers takes place on Thursday 4th July. This will be in the main hall from 7.00pm and finish by no later than 8.00pm.— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () July 2, 2024

08:22 AM - 2 Jul 2024

Over the past few weeks, students have been learning about politics and, in particular, how democracy works. Utilising regionally produced resources, students have been able to research parties and will have their own GE on Thursday. Results will be shared with them on Friday— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () July 2, 2024

18:49 PM - 27 Jun 2024

A reminder that Friday 28th June is an INSET Day, with school closed to students in all year groups— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () June 27, 2024


11:43 AM - 12 Jun 2024

On 27th June 2024, we host our very own BGT (Bishop's God Talent). We are delighted to have well over 100 students supporting the evening. Doors will open from 6.30pm, with general tickets available for purchase from 19th June pic.twitter.com/c3gd43VJnM— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () June 12, 2024


11:41 AM - 12 Jun 2024

Our annual art exhibition, showcasing the brilliant work of our A level students will take place on Monday 17th June 2024. The department welcomes you with viewings from 5.00pm until 7.00pm pic.twitter.com/bOKkcElYGa— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () June 12, 2024


15:23 PM - 6 Jun 2024

We are looking to add a number of Teaching Assistants to our existing team from September 2024. For more details visit https://t.co/u7Pjb8hguf— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () June 6, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

General Enquiries 

What are the timings of the school day? 
The school operates a six period day, each with 50-minutes in length. This is designed to maximise the learning experience of all students across a broad curriculum. The day begins at 8.30am and finishes for all students at 3.00pm. Throughout the school year, there will be a range of after-school clubs and additional lessons available for students, especially those sitting public examinations. 

What are the term dates for the academic year?
The school coordinates its term dates, in conjunction with Cardiff Local Authority. Full details of the dates for the academic year can be accessed via the link.

Is there a Parent/Teacher/Friends Association (PTFA)? 
Yes, we have a thriving PTFA. However, the PTFA are always looking for new members. The PTFA help strengthen the link between home and school through a variety of worthwhile initiatives, which raises valuable monies to help invest in the education of the children of the school. For further information about The PTFA please get in touch with Mrs Smith, Assistant Head by email.

How can I get involved with the school? 
There are a variety of ways to get involved including: attending various sporting, musical and liturgical performances; regularly visiting the school website and following us on X (formerly Twitter). We welcome feedback via email, letter or in person too.

Can I make an appointment to see the Headteacher? 
If you need to make an appointment to see Mr Belli, then please contact Miss Pucknell, PA to Headteacher. You may contact Miss Pucknell via email. However, with around 1300 students on site, Mr Belli may not always be the best placed person to respond to any queries you may have, in the first instance. Where you have a concern or query, we expectthat you seek to first try the member of staff directly responsible for the issue/enquiry you have. Where you have a subject concern, we would expect families to raise this with the subject teacher and then Head of Department. In the event of a pastoral concern, via the form tutor, then Head of School/Year and either relevant Assistant/Deputy Head. However, each first Monday of the calendar month, there is a Headteacher 'open door' evening, where families can attend (between 4.30pm and 6.30pm) to discuss any matters directly with Mr Belli.

How do I raise a complaint about an aspect of school?
The school takes all concerns seriously. We will aim to clarify any issues and put right any mistakes. We have a clear  complaints procedure, which has a number of stages. You can find this on the policy section of our website.  There is a form to complete, which should be sent to Mr Brown, Business Manager, who has responsibility for managing complaints. Mr Brown will escalate any concerns to the relevant person

Pastoral Matters
Who is the best person to contact with general questions about my child?
Your child's form tutor and head of year are the primary points of contact. If your concern is about school or more than one subject, we would recommend you speak to the tutor and then head of year. If you are still concerned, or you have not been able to resolve the concern, then we would recommend you speak to one of the leadership team assigned to specific phases: Mr Gardiner (Lower School: Years 7 - 9); Miss Parry (Upper School: Years 10 - 11); and Mrs Smith (Senior School: Years 12 - 13).

Where your concern relates to a subject, then we would recommend the first point of contact being the class teacher, then head of department. In some smaller departments we also have heads of faculty who are here to help. 

I’m concerned that my child is unhappy – who is the best person to talk to? 
In the first instance, the person to contact would be Mr Davies, chaplain. He will be able to discuss any concerns. Form tutors, Heads of School/Year are also available but as a non-teaching member of staff, Mr Davies is available throughout the day to support students and ensure they are happy during their time at school.

I have emailed my child's Head of School but they haven't replied. What should I do?
All of our staff have a significant teaching commitment. Therefore, it is likely that there is a genuine reason you have not yet received a reply. We recommend that families contact staff by email or leave a message with Mrs Edwards, Pastoral Administrator. You can also contact Mrs Edwards by email. We aim to get a response to families within 24-48 hours.

What if I do not agree with the school's policy on uniform?
When applying for a place at The Bishop of Llandaff, the school is very clear about its expectations of parents/carers and students. This includes issues relating to attendance, engagement with school, and its uniform expectations. By sending your child to the school, it is on the understanding of these expectations. Only those students with medical conditions are permitted reasonable adjustments to the school's uniform. For more information speak to your child's relevant Head of School/Year.

What if my child has lost or forgotten their tie? 
Your child can go to the pastoral office and borrow a tie for the day if they have forgotten or lost their existing one. New ties can be purchased at the main school office for £6.00.

What is a 'Pink Slip' Day/Detention?
We have high expectations of uniform as we believe it sets the tone for learning. Periodically, we use 'Pink Slip' Days to reinforce these expectations. Where students do not meet these then they will receive a sanction of an after-school detention the following day. This is for one-hour.

What if my child’s shoes break? 
Please send your child into school and the pastoral team will provide a spare pair for their use until you are able to purchase a new pair. These are replenished on a half-termly basis. If you are experiencing difficulty in replacing the shoes, then again, please do let us know.

What if I have a query or concerns about uniform? 
Please call the main office or the pastoral team and they will assist you with any queries. If you are unsure about purchasing the correct uniform, then please see our Uniform Expectations Guide which is designed to provide clarity on our expectations. We work hard to ensure the cost of uniform is kept to a minimum. Welsh Government provides grants for eligible families to receive up to £200 towards this. Information about the grant is available here.

My child has left school, can I donate my uniform?
There are many benefits of donating school uniform and/or equipment. This is from an ecological and waste perspective, as well as supporting families through the challenging costs of living.

There are local charities that directly support with recycling of 'pre-loved' school uniform.  'Rumney Forum' will take donations, such as school uniform. This is then used to help support those families who may benefit from them. They also accepts non-school related items that may be used to support those families who need help. In addition, 'A Better Fit', also based in Rumney, accepts donations of all clean re-usable school related items (such as uniform and sportswear), which can be re-disrtibuted to any families who many benefit from this support. Both organisations can be accessed via an online search engine (albeit the school is not responsible for the information contained on these sites) and will work with families in terms of donations and re-distribution. The PTFA facilitates termly collection of clean pre-loved uniform and other re-usable items.

Absence and Lateness
Will the school contact me if my child doesn’t arrive at school?
Yes. Mrs Angel, our Attendance Officer, closely monitors attendance, and will contact you by phone or text if your child is absent and you have not called in. Please make sure that your contact details are up-to-date. You can contact the school office with any change of contact details on 029 20562485. 

Who do I tell if my child needs to be absent from school for a medical appointment? 
Please contact Mrs Angel, Attendance Officer on 029 20562485 or email if your child is going to be absent from school. Please be aware that medical evidence may be requested for prolonged absence.

My child has an injury – what should I do? 
Once your child is ready to come back to school after an injury, we will make necessary arrangements to ensure that he/she can continue to learn at school in a safe environment. We will undertake a risk-assessment with you to ensure you are content with the arrangements in place. Please feel free to call the main office to discuss further.

What if I want to take my child on holiday during term time?
Students are expected to attend school for 190 days of the year. We expect students to have strong attendance and not below 95%. Attendance below this seriously jeopardises a child's educational attainment. To request an absence for your child, please contact the school via Miss Pucknell, PA to Headteacher, FAO Mr Belli. You can contact Miss Pucknell via email. However, please be aware the school does not authorise family holidays during term time. 

Will my child's attendance have an impact on being able to attend school trips and visits?
Yes. Our terms and conditions for all educational visits make direct reference to attendance (and behaviour). Students will not be able to participate in the trip where there are concerns over attendance (ie. Overall attendance rate of below 85%, which is considered by Welsh Government as persistent absence) or conduct in school. The school has a responsibility to comply with national guidelines in relation to assessment of safety risks. This is to ensure that students are adequately supervised, and all reasonable measures are taken to reduce the risk of harm. Where there are known concerns about a student’s behaviour or absenteeism, it may not be safe and/or appropriate for them to be away from the school setting without additional support or supervision. As a result, this increases the risks to the individual student and the collective group. This decision is made in the best interest of safety and welfare of students. When applying for a place on the trip, parents/carers understand and agree to these terms and conditions. In the event a student is not permitted to participate in a trip for the reasons set out above, the school will endeavour to find a replacement and make a full refund, subject to any administrative costs (eg. name changes to flights etc). However, if a replacement cannot be found, parents/carers are aware and agree that they are not eligible for a refund.

When should my child arrive to school? 
Your child must be in school by no later than 8.30am. If your child is persistently late, then this may result in a sanction.

Will I receive a home visit from the school if my child is persistently absent from school? 
Yes, perhaps even if you have phoned in. This is intended to be a supportive measure and forms part of the local authority approach to reducing persistent absence in school. 

Academic Progress
How can I find out what level/class my child is streamed into?
All classes in Years 7, 8 and 9 are predominantly taught in mixed-ability classes. These are group on a range of factors. The exception to this is mathematics, which is set by purely on mathematical ability. Students are set by ability in many classes in Year 10 and 11, with the exception of option subjects, which are based on student demand.

To find out how well your child is progressing, please attend parent' evenings and information evenings. These provide important information for families. If you have concerns, you may contact individual teachers. Dates for parents’ evenings can be found on the school calendar. Please make a note of these.

Is it fine for me to email teachers directly? 
Yes. There is a link to the staff lists on our website. We aim to respond to emails within 24-48 hours. If you have not heard from a member of staff in this time, then please do contact the main office.

What if I am concerned about my child’s academic progress? 
Please contact your child’s teacher, subject leader or relevant Head of School/Year to arrange a meeting to discuss any concerns.

How will I know if my child receives a detention?
The school will contact you by either text, phone and/or email if your child receives a detention for more than 15-minutes (or after-school detention). Please ensure your contact details are up-to-date to avoid any issues with communication. You can contact the school office with any change of contact details on 029 20562485. 

I’d like to discuss my child’s behaviour outside of school – who is the best person to speak to? 
The pastoral team are available to discuss any queries you may have and can direct you to the person most suited to support. In the first instance, we recommend you speak to your child's relevant Head of School. Please be aware that we sanction students for misbehaviour outside of school and outside school hours.

After School Clubs – does my child have to attend every week or can they drop in?
Your child is welcome at after-school clubs whenever they want to attend. However, some extra-curricular activities such as school performances may require committed attendance to avoid letting others down. A copy of the numerous lunchtime and after-school clubs are available on our website.

How much homework should my child receive?

We aim to set students within Lower School (Year 7, 8 and 9) at least one piece of meaningful homework each night. This is managed using a Homework timetable, which is available via the website. Within Upper School (Year 10 and 11) there is usually one/two pieces per night. However, this will vary at more demanding times in the school year. In addition to this, all students have a reading book, and we encourage them to spend around 15-20 minutes reading each day. Senior School (Sixth Form) students are expected to use their independent study sessions as well as wider reading to support their learning, as well as completing formal homework set. 

Who do I contact about homework? 
Please contact your child’s teacher to discuss any homework queries. If you have broader questions about homework then please raise these with Mrs Barrett, Deputy Head.

Additional Learning Needs
Who should I contact about my child’s additional learning needs?
Please contact your child’s teacher to discuss queries around your son/daughter’s additional learning needs. Alternatively, please contact our Head of Inclusion, Mr Thompson via email, for queries regarding provision available or your child's specific needs.

Latest Tweets

  • July 18, 2024 A reminder that the summer term ends on Friday 19th July 2024. Thank you for your support this year and have a lovely summer break. Our Summer Edition of The Mitre is available to view. I hope you enjoy it Read more— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () July 18, 2024
  • July 11, 2024 We are so fortunate to have Bishop Rowan Williams as our guest speaker at our Annual Awards Evening. Congratulations to all our students, past and present, who have received a deserved award 🙌🏻 pic.twitter.com/Gbzbvz8eBQ— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () July 11, 2024
  • July 6, 2024 Don’t forget to pop in to school for our welcome day this am 10-12. Great opportunity for new starters to visit. will be selling coffee & cake, books & plants. will have school uniform available for families, donations are optional 🍰🪴☕️— BOLHS PTFA () July 6, 2024
  • July 5, 2024 In recent weeks, our students have been learning about democracy and participated in a mock election yesterday. The results are in... (albeit this is a percentage share rather than constituency based model). Thank you and everyone who got involed pic.twitter.com/1k6EdF5MWc— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () July 5, 2024
  • July 2, 2024 Our evening for new Year 7 parents/carers takes place on Thursday 4th July. This will be in the main hall from 7.00pm and finish by no later than 8.00pm.— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () July 2, 2024
  • July 2, 2024 Over the past few weeks, students have been learning about politics and, in particular, how democracy works. Utilising regionally produced resources, students have been able to research parties and will have their own GE on Thursday. Results will be shared with them on Friday— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () July 2, 2024
  • June 27, 2024 A reminder that Friday 28th June is an INSET Day, with school closed to students in all year groups— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () June 27, 2024
  • June 12, 2024 On 27th June 2024, we host our very own BGT (Bishop's God Talent). We are delighted to have well over 100 students supporting the evening. Doors will open from 6.30pm, with general tickets available for purchase from 19th June pic.twitter.com/c3gd43VJnM— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () June 12, 2024
  • June 12, 2024 Our annual art exhibition, showcasing the brilliant work of our A level students will take place on Monday 17th June 2024. The department welcomes you with viewings from 5.00pm until 7.00pm pic.twitter.com/bOKkcElYGa— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () June 12, 2024
  • June 6, 2024 We are looking to add a number of Teaching Assistants to our existing team from September 2024. For more details visit Read more— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () June 6, 2024
  • May 15, 2024 We have several useful resources to provide wellbeing support. These range from support to cope with anxiety; low mood; and crisis. Follow the QR code or visit our school website (Student Section) pic.twitter.com/kqz9i3d1ZO— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () May 15, 2024
  • May 9, 2024 Good luck to our students in Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 as they embark upon the summer examination series. The whole-school community is thinking and praying for you 🙏#GoodLuck pic.twitter.com/nsUjgDuVuk— The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School () May 9, 2024