This page is designed to support students and families with information regarding public examinations. The summer series examinations range from the following
GCSE Summer 2023-24 ; and
GCE Summer 2023-24.
Public examinations typically start at 9.00am in the morning and at 1.00pm in the afternoon. However, students must check their start times on their individual examination timetables. Students should arrive 15-minutes before the examination is due to start. Student examination timetables will detail start times and locations. Please be advised that all students are expected to wear full school uniform to each of their exams.
Joint Council for Qualifications Guidance
During this academic year 2022-23 you will be undertaking public examination (GCSE, GCE, BTEC). Throughout the examination process strict procedures are put in place by the Joint Council for Qualifications, which must be adhered to. Students are advised to review the important guidance for students, which is accessible via the link https://www.jcq.org.uk/exams-office/information-for-candidates-documents/
Year 7 - 9 National Tests
All students in Wales sit a series of tests in years 7-9, the aim of which are to provide detailed information on each individual student's development and progress in reading and numeracy (reasoning). The tests can also show where individual children may need more help to improve their skills.
GCSE/Level 2 Qualifications & A Level/Level 3 Qualifications
Most written examinations are sat by students during the summer examination series in May and June of each year. In addition to these, students from Years 10-13 may be involved in controlled assessments, orals, practical units and Non-Examined Assessments (NEA) throughout their respective courses. Students may also complete GCSE English Language, GCSE Mathematics and GCSE Numeracy written examinations during the November examination series and GCSE English Literature during the January series.
Individual student examination timetables are distributed as a paper copy during morning registration prior to each examination series. These are also sent by email to the student's school account. During the examination period, all students are required to arrive at the examination venue no later than 8.35am for morning sessions and 12.35pm for afternoon sessions. Full uniform is required and the sixth form dress code maintained for all examinations. Students should also bring the necessary equipment for the examination, as described.
Students are offered support throughout the year in preparation for their examinations and assessments. These are delivered in the form of additional subject specific revision sessions and a series of sessions aimed at developing each students’ revision techniques and strategies.
Result enquiries and post-results service
After students have received examination results, there is a short period of time where papers can be requested and/or reviewed for marking. Should you have any queries, please contact Mrs O'Reilly, Examinations Officer by email.
WJEC Post Examination Results Service
Edexcel Post Results Service
Coping with Examination Pressure
For further information about qualification and specifications, please visit Joint Qualifications Committee www.jcq.co.uk
and/or WJEC www.wjec.co.uk
Examination Information for Candidates |
Public Examinations 2023 - 2024 |