The Bishop of Llandaff has a published admission number (PAN), which permits the school to admit up to 180 students into each year group. In keeping with the Christian character of the school the governing body, who are responsible for admissions, allocate 150 'foundation' places, and a further 30 'community' places. A ‘foundation’ place is reserved for those students who are from Christian backgrounds, either Church in Wales or another Christian denomination. A 'community’ place is intended for those families who wish their child to be educated at The Bishop of Llandaff as their preferred faith school.
Parents who apply for a 'community' place do so knowing that the school aims to provide an education based on Christian principles and therefore governors expect all students to take part in Christian worship at the school, attend all religious education lessons and to participate in all other educational activities.
The governors of The Bishop of Llandaff offer 180 places each year. If there are more than 180 applications then governors will use oversubscription criteria.
Applications for The Marion Centre are separate to standard admissions. The Marion Centre at The Bishop of Llandaff provides education for students with an Autistic Spectrum Condition. Parents of students with a statement of educational need (relating to Autism) should apply to Cardiff Local Authority in accordance with the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice for Wales. The standard admission to The Marion Centre is six students per year.
Open Evening for Year 7 Applications for September 2024
On Thursday 5th October 2023 we will hold an Open Evening from 5.30pm until 7.30pm. You and your child will have the opportunity to take a tour of the school, followed by a short presentation by the Headteacher at 5.30pm, which is repeated at 6.15pm and again at 7.15pm.
To be considered for a place, an application must be submitted directly to the school by completing the application form. Applicants must also complete the Cardiff local authority online portal form, indicating The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School as the preferred choice (where this is the case). The online portal will be available from Monday 25th September 2023 until the application deadline.
Applicants who live outside of Cardiff will be required to complete the Cardiff online portal and the residential local authority portal. Currently, local authorities outside of Cardiff will not list our school on their online portal. As a result, this third element is to ensure the local authority where you live provides your child with a school place in September, in the event of being unsuccessful in your application to The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School. The deadline for completion of the application process is Monday 20th November 2023 by no later than 12.00pm.